Grassroots Sports Funding are experts on CASC’s and Charities, and the availability of guaranteed funding for registered clubs.

Having spent many years writing policy and legislation for the UK government, Grassroots Sports Funding are experts in this area and can help clubs access funding that 99% of CASC clubs are unaware they can easily claim e.g., they specialise in gift aid and accessing large amounts of available funds through monetising the work that volunteers for grassroots clubs already do.

How much can clubs claim? 

The process works on volunteer expenses being gifted back to the club. As such, the more volunteers you have, the more money your club can claim. Every CASC and Charity have the ability to do this.

Typically, a club with approximately 50 volunteers can easily access over £1000 each month doing this.  In addition, you have an ability to make a backdated claims.

Recent Claims include; Old Brodleians Rugby Club who claimed over £25,000 and moving forward, they will be claiming approximately £13,000 a year in aid.

Grassroots Sports Funding have also helped Lepton Highlanders Sports and Social Club claim over £19,000 and moving forward will be claiming in excess of £1000 a month, as well as helping Southowram Cricket Club claim £7000 in backdated claims, plus they will be claiming circa £425 a month moving forward.

Is this a loophole? Is their a catch? 

There is no loophole or catch to this, it is simply a government backed scheme under CASC and Charity rules that allows them to reimburse volunteers for their expenses. Naturally, volunteers do not undertake the work they do to be re-imbursed, and as such can gift this back to the club.

However, it is important that clubs get this right, and have correct policies in place and an audit trail behind the payments. This is what Neil does for the club and ensure you can generate regular guaranteed income.

Does this affect any individuals tax? 

No. The volunteer donating the money to the club simply has to be a UK tax paying adult.

For higher rate tax payers, this can actually benefit them as they can claim self assessment on any charitable donation made increasing the 40% tax threshold by the amount of donation.

For more information email Grassroots Sports Funding using the code ‘funding4sport’ at [email protected]  or visit their Website: